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This week the government pledged £600m to help with care in the UK.
One of the biggest growing areas of care, that the funds are aimed at helping finance, is respite care.
We thought it would be useful to dive into what respite care is and how it may be able to help you and/or your family.
If you care for a partner, relative, or friend, you’ll appreciate how caring can be both rewarding and tiring. We all need a break from time to time. Respite care is when the person you care for is looked after by someone else for a given period, allowing you to recharge and relax.
Carers can make frequent visits to look after the person at home. Alternatively, a carer might come to stay with them overnight to provide round-the-clock care while their usual carer is away.
Who Can Benefit From Respite Care?
In home respite care offers benefits for both the usual carer and the person being cared for. It allows the carer to take a break when they need one, while allowing the person being cared for to stay in the comfort of their own home.
Without respite homecare, the person may have to stay in a residential home while their usual carer is away. This change in surroundings can cause distress or confusion. It’s almost always preferable to remain in the comfort of your own home and stick to your current routine. There are lots of other circumstances where respite care may be useful. It is often ideal for people who have just returned home from hospital and need some help whilst they recover.
Whatever your situation, you can always get an extra pair of hands.
Some of the many benefits respite care can provider are:
At St Margarets Homecare we take a holistic approach to care and consider the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of every service user.
It is important to keep moving as much as possible to keep joints and muscles working. For those that require a little more support to stand up and move around, respite care provides you with the assistance and encouragement that you need, with carers on-hand to help.
Respite home care can aid in recovery from an illness, or a hospital stay, as you benefit from dedicated care and support form expert carers. With the extra support of a carers one can be encouraged to eat and drink, or to move around more and improve mobility.
Both caregiver and loved one need emotional support sometimes. A respite visit gives both parties a chance to receive support and guidance from care professionals who are experts in their field. They are also just people themselves who are there to listen and comfort – not only service user but also the families as well.
As with all of us, daily routines can become stale. Respite home care professionals might offer a fresh take on certain caregiving tasks. The care experts might be able to offer advice or tips to help breathe renewed energy into the role of caregiver.
What to Expect from a Respite Carer
In-home care from St Margarets Homecare is very flexible. We can build a bespoke care plan around your specific needs. Here are some of the things a respite carer can help with:
For a full list of the services, we provide please visit our website:
Whether it’s a quick visit to help you with your food shop, or an overnight stay to provide constant support, St Margarets Homecare can help.
To find out more about our services and arrange your free, detailed needs assessment, call our friendly team on:
Harrogate 01423 276249
Selby 01757 210841
York 01757 210841
Alternatively, please email:
Or you can visit our website and fill out the useful enquiry form: