We are very proud of our CQC report. Find out what a CQC report is below or click 'See Full Report' to gain access to the complete report.

We are very proud of our CQC report. Find out what a CQC report is below or click 'See Full Report' to gain access to the complete report.
CQC stands for the “Care Quality Commission” which was established in 2009 to regulate and inspect health and social care services in England.
The CQC’s stated role is to make sure that care services provide people with safe, effective and high-quality care, and to encourage them to improve. It carries out this role through checks it carries out during the registration process all new care services must complete.
In all areas, the services we provide were rated as “Good” by the CQC inspectors – including areas such as safety, effectiveness, caring, responsiveness, and being well-led.
All our operations were examined right down to our staff training, meeting minutes, and quality assurance visits. A number of our customers completed questionnaires so the CQC could inspect our homecare provision right down to the end result.
Thank you to all our team for helping us provide such a good level of service and support for our customers.