Do I Need Help?

11 February, 2023

Posted in: Blogs

You’re not alone! Thousands of households in the country juggle the daily demands of work, home, children and caring for someone who may be disabled, ill, or aging. Managing busy families and the emotional decisions that must be made when caring for a loved one can be overwhelming.

Parents and adult children may live many miles away from one another, separated by different cities, counties, or even countries. Often, the demands and pressure of providing care can result in caregiver burnout—a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. It occurs when family caregivers do not get the help they need and are trying to do more than they are able to.

Home care can help!

For many families, home health care is a beneficial choice—a safe solution that supports the family, while allowing your loved ones to stay in the comfort of their own homes and communities.

If you are caring for a loved one, here are some of the many ways home care can support you:

  1. Home care professionals can be there when you aren’t able to be. If you are caregiving from a distance, home care can give you peace of mind. Trained and qualified professionals can assess safety risks and make simple corrections in the home.
  2. Home care supports activities of daily living. In-home services allow adults to receive day-to-day help with the personal care they need, preserving their dignity and maintaining a good quality of life. Assistance with activities of daily living can include bathing, grooming, and medication reminders.
  3. Access to skilled nursing care at home. Skilled medical care can be delivered at home by thoroughly supervised nurses, certified, licensed, and knowledgeable about high-technology medical equipment. Home care can ensure that your loved one’s complex medical needs are met.
  4. Medication management.If your loved one is on multiple prescriptions it can be confusing to manage. Home care professionals can ensure the right medications are being taken at the right times to control health conditions and prevent harmful drug interactions.
  5. Home care professionals provide caring companionship. Research shows that aging adults stay healthier with social interaction. Home carers can become trusted friends for walks, reading, cards, games, movies, meals, and other social activities. Accompaniment on errands such as grocery shopping, medical appointments, and other activities are also added benefits.
  6. Home care helps with light household chores. When aging adults struggle the daily demands of housework, such as laundry, vacuuming, dishes, and simple chores home care helps to consistently maintain a safe and healthy living environment.
  7. Home care clients have comparable or better health outcomes. Research has shown that clinical results are comparable or better with fewer complications when home care is provided to individuals with chronic conditions such as pneumonia, diabetes, or COPD.
  8. One-on-one focus and support. Home care services are truly unique, providing meaningful, one-on-one personal and skilled care that builds strong bonds between professionals and their clients.
  9. An affordable alternative to full time care in a residential/nursing home.The average cost of care from in a full time residential home facility is around £1,000 per week. Home care offers a more affordable solution whilst enabling you or loved one to stay in the comfort of your own home.

For many families, home care can be just the support they need to help manage caregiving responsibilities, while avoiding caregiver burnout. Could you or someone you love benefit from home health care services?  Learn more by clicking below.